Schnappt euch Snubbull!

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Vorlage:Episode Infobox Schnappt euch Snubbull! ist die 126. Episode des Pokémon-Animes.

Im nachfolgenden Kapitel werden Details aufgeführt, die den Spaß beim Anschauen dieser Folge beeinträchtigen können.


Ash and his friends continue to travel to Violet City, so he can earn his first Johto League Badge at the Gym, but on their way, they find themselves wandering through a majestic town called Palm Hills, a rich neighborhood famous for its sprawling estates and sweeping lawns. While gazing at one of the mansions, the trio notice three men frantically searching for something through the streets. Later, Misty suggests that they go looking at the houses of movie stars, which Brock only agrees to because of the thought of actresses. On the way to the houses, a Growlithe charges around a corner, obviously unsettled by something. Ash attempts to calm the Growlithe, but it continues to squirm, and eventually, something comes dislodged from the frantic Pokémon.

Das Fukano flieht und die drei Kinder sehen seinen Angreifer: Ein unfreundlich blickendes Snubbull mit pinken Bändern, sodass Rocko vermutet, dass es weiblich ist. Nun taucht einer der drei Männer von vorhin auf und ruft einer Frau zu, dass er das Snubbull gefunden habe. Die Frau dankt den dreien ihr Snubbull gerettet zu haben und erklärt, dass sie seit der vorigen Nacht als es verschwunden war panisch war. Während sie sich sehr freut es wieder zu haben, scheint Snubbull enttäuscht. Um Ash und seinen Freunden zu danken, lädt Miss Muchmoney sie zu einem Dinner in ihrer Villa ein, dem Gebäude, wo sie zu Anfang die drei Männer gesehen haben. Während sie hinein gehen bemerkt Rocko, dass Snubbull kämpft, um aus der Umarmung seiner Besitzerin zu gelangen, doch drinnern finden die Drei, dass es alles hat, um sich wohlzufühlen: Seinen eigenen Raum, Schrank, Spielraum und anderes. Wie Ash sagt, will jeder lieber im großen Garten umherrennen, anstatt Gefangener im Haus zu sein. Während Ash und Misty überzeugt sind, dass es ihnen gut geht, bleibt Rocko skeptisch.

Beim Essen speist Snubbull nicht und Miss Muchmoney fordert den Koch auf, dass zu machen, was es essen möchte, doch dieses sagt, dass es seine Speisen niemals isst. Als Rocko dies hört, zieht er ein Reisbällchen hervor und gibt ihn Snubull, den dieses glücklich isst. Die Frau verspricht von nun an immer Reisbällchen zu Hause zu haben. Rocko und Misty erkennen nun, dass Snubbull das wirkliche Leben probieren möchte, weg von all dem Reichtum. Draueßen hockt Team Rocket im Gebüsch und betrachtet die Villa. James erinnert sich an sein eigenes Leben in einer Villa und sagt, wie langweilig er alles fand. Mauzi und Jessie sagen jedoch, dass dieses Leben besser sei, als ein ärmliches.

Als Team Rocket versucht einzubrechen, entdeckt Snubbull sie und leckt Mauzi über das Gesicht. Die drei Männer entdecken das Trio und verfolgen sie. Snubbull beisst in Mauzis Schweif. Ash, Misty und Rocko stoppen die Ganoven. Jessie, die genervt ist, dass sich Mauzi mehr Sorgen um seinen Schweif macht, versucht Snubbull wegzuziehen, sodass es in den Armen seiner Besitzerin landet.

James sends out his Weezing to use SmokeScreen, which gives them an escape, but Snubbull still wants to latch onto Meowth's tail again, and its squirming still concerned Brock. Once they are back inside, Brock points out that Snubbull looks agitated, but the woman says that she's just nervous like most brides on their wedding day. The woman explains that her Snubbull needs a companion, and shows a picture of the groom to trio: an old, rich Snubbull, which is when Ash and Misty realize that Snubbull was running away, just to escape the wedding and the pampering. The woman says she has to leave to see the groom and invites the three to the wedding. They all agree they have to do something to save Snubbull from a forced wedding.

Team Rocket plant nun Snubbull zu befreien und Mauzis Schweif als Köder zu nutzen.

As Ash, Misty, and Brock spy on the lunch between the woman and her Snubbull's fiance's master, they notice that the two women are oblivious to the she-Snubbull's unhappiness concerning the matter. Unable to contain himself, Brock jumps out from the plants and confronts the woman of her selfish actions. While they tell her what her Snubbull actually wants, Team Rocket appear on the chandelier and say the motto. When Meowth appears, Snubbull is even more aroused, and begins to thrash in her owner's arms.

Team Rocket lower Meowth down on a fishing line to try to catch Snubbull, who is able to free herself from her owner's arms and latch onto the tail. After Team Rocket reeled in the Snubbull, Ash attempts to battle with them, but Team Rocket releases hooks which clamp onto Ash's feet, immobilizing him long enough for Team Rocket to escape.

After fleeing the scene, Team Rocket hide out in the estate shed. Jessie, annoyed by being in a shed, begins to yell at Meowth, but Snubbull protects him from her by standing in between them, and soon after, latches onto his tail again.

Outside, Ash and his friends are search for Team Rocket, but they hear Meowth's cries of pain, followed by him bursting from the shed outside with Snubbull on his tail. Jessie and James demand that Meowth get back in the shed, and then notice the police looking at them, and they begin another escape. Jessie sends out Arbok who whips them with its tail, followed by James, who sends out his Weezing. Ash in response sends out Heracross who attacks both Pokémon, and faints Arbok temporarily, but then gets back up when Snubbull attacks his tail.

Upon seeing her Snubbull's violence, the woman is offended, but Brock tells her Snubbull is actually doing a good thing, and suggests she tell Snubbull to use Tackle. The woman does so, and Snubbull does so with success. Arbok tackles back, and Snubbull uses Scary Face on Arbok and clamps down on his tail. James sends out his Victreebel, which Snubbull also easily defeats. At the end of the battle, the police come after Team Rocket, but they run for the balloon, but Ash is able to stop them from escape with Heracross's Horn Attack, sending them blasting off again.

Before Ash and his friends leave, the woman says that she won't marry her Snubbull but she worries that she'll be lonely, but Ash reassures her that Snubbull will be all right by herself. After seeing Snubbull battle, the woman agrees to not be as over protective as she was before. The woman lets Snubbull roam in a play area outside alone, and after releasing Snubbull, Ash and his friends set off, still aimed for Violet City.

Eine Ranke in Snubbulls Spielbereich erinnert es an Mauzis Schweif und während seine Besitzerin vorschlägt diesen zu vergrößern, geht Snubbull auf der Suche nach Mauzi fort.

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pl:EP124 pt:EP124

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